I try not to be preachy in my column here but I'd like to remind the citizens of the United States government that in a democracy, that government works for its citizens. Let me repeat that. Government officials work for its citizens. They are the servants, not the boss. And it is the press' duty to drill the representatives of our government on the performance of the job we've hired them to do.
The first law, the first commandment, the first right established for this country supports the freedom of press. The three branches of government; judicial, legislative and executive were designed with 'checks and balances' in mind. That is they have to keep an eye on each other and make sure one does not get too powerful. Well the press is that 'check and balance' for our whole system of government and officials will be better off showing more respect for them and answering the questions that the citizens of this country have a right to know.
The American press is criticized for asking dumb questions or questions that would threaten national security or military action. It's the press' job to ask all questions, there is no such thing as a dumb one. If someone is disgusted that a reporter would ask for operational details of a military action that would threaten the soldiers in that action, he needs to realize that all the government official has to do is refuse to answer the question on the grounds of security. It's just that simple. Yes, it is! The responsibility of national security lies in the government officials hired to protect that security and not with the press members who question the performance on the job. If it leaks, it is not the press' fault. If the US Government wants to hide details that would threaten an activity, they can and should. If it leaks, then they have a weakness in their chain that needs to be rectified but they are still fully responsible. No one said their job is supposed to be easy. Being a servant of 260 million people isn't supposed to be.
Having said that, the relationship between the U.S. government and the American press actually is becoming a symbiotic one lately and has been established in a way that has never been seen before. They support each other instead of being at odds. It is a fact that the US military has used the American press to provide false information of an action to help establish a feint or communicate with threats directly - and it works! If anyone who still harbors prejudices against the American press as a threat to our nation's interest is just stuck in an archaic (and inaccurate) attitude that definitely has no place in our society today and you will be better served by removing such prejudices. You need to adapt with the times and help out or you're just in the way of this great country's evolution. You should realize that the press ensures that our money is better spent and that decisions are being made constructively by the officials who were appointed by the representatives we elected. That is in your best interest. Give them your support if you're too lazy to investigate for yourself what every government official is doing to our nation behind closed doors.
The U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld displays an example of how not to treat the American press. The man has it in for them and takes any questions posed to him as a personal attack for some reason and responds to it as a personal attack when it is completely unwarranted. He is the king of question dodging when his subordinates in the pentagon are open and have established a good relationship with the press. Secretary Rumsfeld is an example of a dinosaur official who is accustomed to treating the press as the enemy just like they did in the 'old days.' His resignation was called for by the American press years ago and had it not been for 9/11 attacks, he would have been removed from his post.
Rummy you old fart, show some respect for the American press. I guarantee your life will be a lot easier if you do. When you talk to the press that way, you are talking to your bosses, the American people, that way too. Get with the program, buy a clue, wake up, grow up or get out.