Friday, September 05, 2003


It's true you don't appreciate something until it's gone. We had bad flooding here Monday, supposedly worst in 108 years and it caused state-wide damage to lots of equpiment including whatever took my DSL connection out at work. The phone company had to make so many repairs, this business customer had to wait a week before they would get to my problem and restore my connection. In the meantime, I had to go next door to another building to use a 56k dial up to conduct my work. What's worse is the dialup is not a local provider, my corporation has its own dial in provider 1000 miles away. So not only do I have to use a dial up, I have to use it long distance and use the proxy servers provided by my company. For anyone who has to use company proxy servers, you know just how lightning fast these can be. It took me half an hour to print off three FedEx invoices. Talk about a test of patience. And of course while you're using company proxy, you can't look at personal sites and that's what was really driving me nuts. I couldn't get my news, market updates, update my blog, read other blogs, chat in instant messenger, play Google's website roulette or otherwise just generally goof off. I missed that! Oh internet access you sweet sweet bird, never leave me again.