Goodbye 2003, We Hardly Knew Ye
Christmas has come and gone. I got the Firefly DVD series from Mrs. Lock, a few sweaters, a couple of gift cards to Best Buy. I saw the inlaws and my uncle's family as well. All in all a good holiday.
It's also been a good year, 2003. I got married. My finances are in very good shape. 40k in 401k. 28k in ESOP and 3300 in IRA. I'm coming up on 6 years at my job which is by far a record. I have all the toys that I could want, big screen, progressive scan dvd, Tivo DVR, surround sound, ton of video games. I don't need anything else. 2004 might be boring, but we'll see. I'm still childless. The year could be very big.
Today: DJI 10366, SP5 1100 NASDAQ 1989
Jan 03: DJI 8903, SP5 881, NASDAQ 1346