This Day In Rock...Oops
In 1943, Jim Morrison is born. Lives to the ripe ol' age of 27 until heart failure claims his life in a Paris bathtub on July 3, 1971.
In 1953, Sam Kinison is born. A car crash claims his life on April 10, 1992 at age 38.
In 1980, John Lennon was shot to death outside his New York City apartment building by an apparently deranged fan. He and wife Yoko Ono were returning home from a recording session. He was 40.
In 1984, Motley Crue singer Vince Neil crashed a sports car on a California highway, killing his passenger, Hanoi Rocks drummer Razzle Dingley.
In 2003, Ozzy Osbourne was seriously injured while riding a quad bike around his English estate. He apparently hit something and the bike landed on top of him.
In 2005, guitarist Dimebag Darrell, formerly of Pantera, was shot and killed during a show with his new band, DamagePlan, in Columbus, Ohio. Three others also were killed before a police officer shot and killed the gunman, Nathan Gale.
If you're a rocker, stay home today.