Busy Memorial Week
I took yesterday off and since I rarely post to my blog from home, that meant no post yesterday. But I'm back.
My parents are in town. They've stopped in to pick up a couple of my nephews to take back with them to their home in Florida, Destin area. My brother has three sons in his care, so our parents taking two for the summer will not leave him lonely.
What a busy week. Besides finding time to watch the NBA playoffs (c'mon Pacers!), I'm getting the house ready for my parents impending arrival. I had a lot of season finales to catch - 24, Enterprise, West Wing. Let me just say God bless TiVo. I've been playing a lot of Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow online which is a load of fun. And to end the week, we are hosting this holiday's family get together and Mrs. Lock has a big family - five aunts, an uncle with their families and of course her own parents. We usually have about 15-20 people depending on how many can make it. We have a theme for it too. It's Memorial Day Fiesta. We'll be serving shish-ka-bobs, magaritas and having piƱata bashing for fun. I'm trying to talk my parents into staying for it but they may need to get back home. They flew out to Colorado Springs last week, where I just returned from vacation, to visit their youngest son, my brother. They stayed there for a couple of days, flew home to the Ft. Walton airport. I shouldn't say home, I should say they flew to the airport, got in their truck that was in extended leave parking and started the 11 hour drive up here. So I imagine they're a bit anxious to get back home.
The city is getting ready for the Indy 500 which is Sunday. Today is Carb Day, a day where half the city takes off work to go visit the track. Live is in town doing the mid-afternoon concert. It's tempting to take off and go see them, but it looks like rain. It's been storming all week and not letting up so hopefully they don't get washed out today. Race Day shows a chance of rain, but hot. Rain and hot, two very bad things for racing.